Kindle price for SANTA novels reduced to $2.99 until Christmas

[UPDATE: I've reverted the prices to $4.99 as of October 10th. Still a bargain!]

This coming November and December, Eraserhead Press will bring out SANTA STEPS OUT and SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE HOMOPHOBES in new trade editions, along with the as-yet-untitled third Santa Claus novel.

From now until then, I have lowered the Kindle price of each book to $2.99.

As I understand it, Eraserhead will issue its own eBook versions (Kindle, Nook, etc.), at which time I'll withdraw these current Kindle editions from publication. So now's your chance to get them at $2.99. Eraserhead will control the pricing after that point.


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One Response to Kindle price for SANTA novels reduced to $2.99 until Christmas

  1. Kain5100 says:

    Great bargain for getting new people into the Santa series!
    Hope you had a great Halloween! Hmm, wonder how Santa and the Easter Bunny celebrate Halloween lol

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